Workshop in Foggia, Italy 23.-24.10.2024.

The second meeting of our project was successfully held at Igor Vitale International in Foggia, Italy. This two-day event brought together all project partners to assess progress, evaluate key performance indicators, and plan future activities aimed at promoting pro-social and pro-environmental behavior among primary school students. Besides the meeting administrative and training program In bread baking masterclasses led by Foja’s food ambassador, which emphasized the use of traditional ingredients and a sustainable approach to food production. Also, the teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with an ancient family fishing method, which for centuries has preserved the connection of the local community with the environment and the responsible use of natural resources.

Training Activities

A core component of the meeting was the internal training session hosted by Igor Vitale International. This training focused on “Applied Social Psychology for Promoting Pro-Social and Pro-Environmental Behavior in Primary School Students.” Key aspects of the training included:

  • Presentation of educational materials designed to support behavior change in primary school students.
  • Administration of a proficiency test to evaluate participant understanding.
  • Awarding of Europass certificates to participants from the Directorate and Plavniekkalna Primary School.
  • Special engagement with primary schools in the Foggia Province, with a particular focus on schools in villages with fewer than 1000 inhabitants
  • Collaboration with representatives from the Agri-Food sector to explore educational strategies that encourage positive attitudes towards natural food production and transformation.

Following the training, partners dedicated time to detailed planning for the next project activities. The primary focus was the creation of “4 Mini-Games for School Students.” Initial ideas and shared practices were discussed, establishing a clear framework for Mini-games creation.

Besides the meeting administrative and training program practical activities program was provided  in bread baking masterclasses led by Foja’s food ambassador, which emphasized the use of traditional ingredients and a sustainable approach to food production. Also, the teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with an ancient family fishing method, which for centuries has preserved the connection of the local community with the environment and the responsible use of natural resources.

During the visit, the partners also got to know examples of Italian green thinking by visiting local companies and farms practicing sustainable agriculture and food production. These experiences inspired the project participants to develop educational materials that promote responsible consumption and sustainable living.

Educational training material you can download here (.pdf document)